
As most student films go, The Merchant Prince team mostly consists of crew members and actors that work as volunteers.  The large majority of the budget is allocated to feeding the crew, securing locations,  and equipment rental.  We are currently accepting donations to reach our goal of $6166 to cover production costs.  Our budget outline can be seen here.  We would greatly appreciate any contribution that will help us reach our vision!  (Each tier includes the previous items under it.)

$25 - Special Thanks in Credits
$50 - Signed Production Photo
$100 - DVD copy of the film
$250* -  Production T-shirt
$500* - Producer Credit

*Any monetary donations $250+ are tax-deductible through the University of Texas at Austin, but only by check.

Checks can be made out to "The University of Texas RTF" and cannot include any individual names.  But you can designate a project name : The Merchant Prince. 
Please mail to:
10300 Jollyville Rd. APT 915
Austin, TX 78759

Please email if you have any questions. Feel free to ask us if you'd like to see the script or any other details you'd like to know more about. 
Much thanks,
The Merchant Prince team